What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing has been practiced since ancient times. The concept is based on the idea that every part of the universe, including our bodies, vibrates in a certain way. When your body's vibration is out of balance, diseases and other ailments can result. Sound healing, then, works by sending sound waves throughout your body bringing harmony through oscillation and resonance. This helps to restore your body’s balance to aid in healing.

What are Crystal Bowls?

These beautifully crafted singing bowls are made from ethically sourced, crushed-quartz crystal. The crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying and transmitting pure tones. As the sound affects brainwave activity, one can enter into a more relaxed state of consciousness. Each of the 7 bowls are attuned to the vibrational sound of each chakra (major nerve centers). Sound bath meditations are said help rebalance your body to optimal health, and transmit energy to your aura and directly affect your brain wave activity. These bowls are attuned to the 432 Hz tuning standard.

Benefits of sound healing with crystal singing bowls?

-Promotes relaxation

-Helps improve sleep

-Aids in restoring optimal health of body on a physical, spiritual and mental level.

Group Breath Work and Sound Healing

Group Sunday Sessions @3pm:

Every Second Sunday

November 19, 2023

Now Available:
Private Crystal Bowl Sound Bath Sessions!!

Testimonials from Participants:

"Sound bowl meditation is absolutely a delight for me when I go on Sundays." GB

"The harmonics tones of the crystal bowls have definite healing and balancing effects on my whole body.  I always leave feeling much more connected in a deeply profound way.  This sound treatment is a highlight in our community!"  SS

"Sound healing is a beautiful experience. It’s healing, empowering, soothing, and a full body experience. It’s a vulnerable experience. Raquel makes you feel comfortable and at ease to fully experience the session. Every session is different. She tailors it to the group and their energy. Recently she has added group breathwork. She’s opened my eyes to the healing power of breath. I will keep returning." JW